Developent of dedicated projects using Java, Secure PHP for frontend, backend and system integration between systems or C++ for hardware.

Backend Systems with Java

We are building all backend systems using enterprise java, linked to the many advantages when it come to scalability, to speed, cross platform comparability, high degree of memory management, advanced multi threatening. Contact us to get more information about how your project can be implemented with an architecture that offer full redundancy, and is highly scalable as well as end to end security with ISO27001, SOC..

Frontend Systems with PHP

PHP is one of the most used programming languages for building advanced web interfaces, we are also using PHP in building frontend interfaces. Theese frontend interfaces are mainly delivering layout, colors and formats  – where all core functionality are build in backend systems that are connected through API interfaces to be able to deploy all with state of the art security.

PHP development are all based on Laravel framework and bootstrap to allow fast layout adaption across projects.

Open source shopping solutions that bring your business fully online and at the same time fully integrated with Lazada, Shopee, Google Advertisment, Facebook advertisment and the many payment / delivery companies.


WordPress are fast becoming the dominant Contend Management System (CMS) on the market with more than 40% of all CMS systems.   Where the customer prefeer Woocommerce at the shop will we be installing this and be integrating it with Lazada, Shopee, Payment gateways, as well as delivery options.


Prestashop is an other open source shop environment that offer a very rich integration, many extra modules that can be enabled, and today operating more than 300000 shops.

Our experts in online shopping will be able to help out finding the best fitting shop setup.


Opencart are very good open source shopping solution that offer a very large number of avaiable templates that fast allow the online presence to be fitting with the business.  Opencart are also easy and simple to integrate with Lazada, Shopee, Google, Payment gateways as well as Delevery.

Drupal E-Commerce

Drupal is one of the large enterprise CMS solutions offering a very robust environment that can scale – Dupal have an addon module for e-commerce that offer a complete shopping environment.

Delivery Providers

Thailand have a lot of delivery companies that offer dedicated service in certails areas.

Flash is a company from India that offer delivery in major cities like Bangkok – inexpensive and offer cash on delivery – but have limited coverage.

Ninja from Singapore offer also inexpensive delivery across major cities – again inexpensivebut limitade coverage.

Kerry offer global delivery across Thailand but are typically more expensive than the two first.

Delivery demand integration with the different delivery companies – to get automated pickup – printing labels and offer tracking service to end customers.